Monday, January 30, 2012


"Oh mirror, mirror!
Tell me who is the most beautiful woman in this world?"

Whenever I see a mirror I always think that it is so tempting to be the evil queen.

Oh mirror, mirror! 
It is a secret among us.
You are my ally, you are my friend, you are my love and beloved.
I whisper all my words to you and you seal them all.
No one will know.
No one will hear.
No one will see.
We’re eternally together yet not chained or slaved.
You'll watch me getting older and uglier and show me my changing shape. You will be
standing still when my youth is fading away.
Yet you won't say a word because all the words belong to me.
There will be a day you won't show my reflection anymore. You'll continue your
journey alone and maybe with others.
Don't worry I will keep your secret as well and take it to my dark bed under the white

Inspired from Once Upon A Time S01E11, a brilliant scene!